Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hospital stay...

Charlie has had some crappy respiratory stuff going on for a couple of months now. She has good days and bad days. We've done some antibiotics, but it just won't clear up. I talked to her pulm doc and we agreed to admit her and try IV antibiotics and decide what to do if this ends up being a chronic problem, which I suspect it will be. The spot on her right lung is STILL there. And it looks bigger. Wonderful. :-/ So he's going to review a few of her past x-rays and go from there. All of her bloodwork and sputem samples and everything came back clear so it's possible it's just HER. Her lungs being crappy. And so that's where the "long-term plan" comes in. Do we admit her each time she gets bad or do we just relax and realize there's not a whole lot we can do? Funny, people keep asking us about a trach but these are the exact problems she'd have WITH a trach. A trach will protect her airway, but it won't protect her lungs.

So we've been here since Saturday afternoon. It will probably be a couple of days before we go home.


sarah said...

I am so sorry that you are going through this. If this is going to be a chronic thing, can arrangements be made for her to do the IVs at home?

Debbie said...

Get out soon! Love to you and Charlie!

Kathryn said...

Hopefully you can break free soon!