Friday, September 3, 2010


There's not a whole lot to update. They did a GI scan this morning and it showed that her motility in her small intestine is actually quite good. When they tried her G it didn't do anything except go up her esophagus, which we already's why she got a J tube in the first place! She didn't handle her pedialyte after they bumped it up to 40 yesterday but she's done ok on 38 today. Of course, that doesn't mean anything. I've seen her tolerate as much as 48 and NOT tolerate as little as 30. She's a very random child. There's no rhyme or reason to her crying spells. We are about to start her on half strength Peptamen Jr. Cross your fingers that she likes it! If she doesn't, we're back at square one.

1 comment:

swgoats said...

*crossing my fingers* you all find something that will work for C. I know the struggle can literally drive you nuts - and we haven't even dealt with what you have. After trying all these things the doctors wanted us to try, we finally found something that will move through Joe just fine - goat's milk with Nesquik (the Mexican version has vitamins). Still fights mama, but will eat for the respite worker without a fuss. Gained 3 lbs last month!!! Praying you both get some relief soon!